e-Visitor Book

Please send your comments and any pictures for inclusion on this page to –

Audrey at :  office.ashray@yahoo.co.uk

Life Beyond the Tour Group  2019

Rosemary was booked on a pilgrimage that did not have Ibillin on its itinerary but was so determined to visit Mar Elias Educational Institutions that she used a free day in Tiberias to set off on her own day trip by public transport to fulfil a long held ambition to see Archbishop Chacour’s life’s work for herself. 

“I’m very late telling you I went there myself!! in May, thanks to your help and advice about buses. The bus journeys, changing as you explained at Movil Junction, were a small taste of adventure during what was otherwise a highly organised pilgrimage with no need to think for oneself, just follow the guide! Absolutely no one to be found in Tiberias bus station who spoke English… but luckily, I’d prepared by asking a girl at my hotel reception to write down my journey details in Hebrew, below my English. Nobody could reassure me about the change of bus, but I found the bus to Movil Junction and set off hopefully. When the second bus came, driver was reluctant to stop at all when I flagged it down. He shouted at me down the steps, seeming convinced that I didn’t want his bus, and was abrupt about granting me a ticket, but agreed to tell me when to get off. Phew! I really enjoyed being away from the group and among ordinary locals. Suddenly the driver called me and did apologise, he’d forgotten to tell me when to get off! But he said, “It’s just back there – 5 minutes,” and drove off. There was nobody around to ask so I just walked. Then a young teenage girl appeared and I tried to ask her, but she walked briskly on without acknowledging me at all. So I walked on, unable to see any Mar Elias sign. Suddenly a man appeared and asked what I was looking for – I’m sure I looked anxious – and kindly pointed out the drive to go up.

It was wonderful to meet Samar and Nazreen, who wasn’t expecting me. I’d said I would phone if NOT coming, but hadn’t made it clear – she thought I wasn’t coming as I hadn’t phoned. I felt so sorry but they both, and a volunteer who was staying, couldn’t have been kinder or more welcoming. I was shown around the schools, I was thrilled, couldn’t believe it was real after anticipating it & feeling unsure for so long. They showed me the church and the highlight of my visit, in addition to meeting Samar, was being able to spend an hour alone in there. Then they gave me a beautiful lunch in the guest house, although there were no guests – I felt bowled over by all they did, especially when not expecting me.

I can’t put into words the wonder and joy I felt in the church. The Beatitudes on the steps outside, the two doors north and south surrounded by paintings of the True Vine (a scripture which for many years has meant a great deal to me). And the stained glass, and the icons… It was such a treat to have that time there to look and look and pray. I now feel I can revisit it in my heart and mind’s eye: and I have the exquisite book to remind me of them all. It was delightful to follow the more familiar traditional Biblical scenes, and then suddenly find myself looking at Pope John Paul II, Oscar Romero, Charles de Foucauld and Maximilian Kolbe and others! It is the most remarkable blessing that it is there for the students and people of Ibillin, and that I now carry within me the ability to revisit and join in prayer offered there. What an ineffable work of love by Sr Bernadette and others.
I’m sorry this is so long, but have wanted to share it all with you. Samar and Nazreen took me to the bus stop, and while waiting there I had a lovely conversation with a student of MEEI. She was happy, singing praises of it. I forgot to say, the girl at my hotel reception, at first rather stiff and efficient, really softened up when I mentioned I was aiming to go to MEEI, smiled and said she had done some extra courses there about 10 years ago – and clearly had a glowing memory of it! “They really welcomed us,” she said.”

Rosemary (Galashiels UK)


It was very special to visit Ibillin and have a talk by Archbishop Elias
Chacour.  I bought the book Faith Beyond Despair which Elias Chacour signed for
me   It has given me a new dimension to some of the things that I was trying to
rationalise (so much to say about it that I find it hard to put into words).   He
is a very wise companionate person but also human.  I leave his book on my
coffee table so that I can read parts of it at any time, also the book with all
the icon’s of the Beatitudes in the church.

Not long after we arrived back I was saddend to see on the news of the trouble
that happened (in Gaza) I hope that it did not impact on Ibillin.

Jane (Hampshire, UK)


In October, 2012 I had the privilege of visiting MEEI and meeting Archbishop Elias Chacour, as part of a CMS Study Tour to the Holy Land.  I was very impressed by the students we met at MEEI in Ibillin, and it was indeed humbling to meet the Archbishop.

Archbishop Chacour signing Rosemary's copy of 'Faith Beyond Despair'Photo: Rosemary

Archbishop Chacour signing Rosemary’s copy of ‘Faith Beyond Despair’
Photo: Rosemary

A delicious lunch had been prepared for our group in the tranquility of the Guest House Dining Room.  It was lovely to relax and enjoy a meal together in that haven of peace, which was much appreciated by us all.  Thank you to everyone who made us feel so welcome in Ibillin.

Rosemary (Devon, UK)   


CMS group out and about on MEEI campus, Ibillin 2012

CMS group out and about on MEEI campus, Ibillin 2012

As part of the CMS group which visited Mar Elias campus at Ibillin on 30th October 2012 we were impressed by the size of the school and the positive and friendly atmosphere as well as by the fact that the students were so happy to greet us and exchange a few words in English. We were also struck by the words of Abuna, and in particular two of his comments: ‘that it did not help the cause of peace to so espouse the cause of the Palestinian people that one came to hate the Israelis, and that no one should lecture them about how to live peacefully together because they had done so without anyone’s help prior to 1948′.  We have given ‘Blood Brothers’ to my 94 year old aunt who said she could not put the book down and confessed it had completely changed her view of the conflict.

Hilary and Peter (Lancashire, UK)
